Sunday, April 25, 2004

Random Talk

I met a woman on the train. She dressed in black but looked sexy. She started to talk to me. She told me she lost her mobile phone on a taxi and couldn't get it back, and she lost her job two days before that. It was on Thursday night that I met her. She fell out from the stairs on Monday but didn't get hurt seriously. I listened with great empathy. It seemed to me that she was looking for some comfort and confidence in herself. So I told her. 'stay positive, don't put too much pressure on yourself, things will get better and you will be fine.' I told her, 'you look good', when I felt that she might started to lose confidence in herself, and my compliment worked obviously. After she got off the train, I was thinking, how lucky I was. On Tuesday I just found a new job. At the time I met her, I just had great korean food with my friends in Carnegie. I also felt warm when I was thinking of someone. But life is strange, as it usually is. Something changed that night, after I made a few phone calls. Right now I feel hollowed. But it might not be bad after all. Cos you never know..

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